Timeline & Chronology for 50 years
50 years of being an artist and only now do I see that the thread that ties my life and my art together is a passion for the “little, personal” stories about life. People exist in places and that and the times they live in determine so much – most of which can be portrayed in art. I hope you enjoy the chronology and please get back to me by email at alana@ealanajames.com if you see things or have ideas that come to you. This is my way of sharing the deepest part of my life and I’m curious what it may mean to you.
The 1970's
Family Portrait: The Players
This was one of my final drawings that did not include photographic collage. Once I convinced myself I could draw anything, I didn’t have to. I am the child in front with my Mom. My two sisters are in the rear and the façade is California St in San Francisco in the early 1800s.
- Prismacolor drawing
- 56 x 76 cm
Subway Dancers
- Photograph
- 20 x 25 cm
The Life in the US Series of Photographs - Each Just a Moment in Time
This was a magic moment. Standing in a boring space, waiting for a train, and then it is transformed by this couple and their “boombox” turning the station into a dance hall. The train arrived, the music stopped and all went back to the way it was.
Man Confused by Clothes
- Photograph
- 20 x 25 cm
The Life in the US Series of Photographs - Each Just a Moment in Time
Another magic moment – this time in a park in Chicago. This man had all his clothes laid out on the ground and was examining them – to me it was as though he was asking, “what do I do with this?”

Boston Woman on Stool
- Photograph
- 20 x 25 cm
The Life in the US Series of Photographs - Each Just a Moment in Time
She was so lovely I just had to stop and ask to take her picture. She agreed, put her cigarette and other things off to the side to make a better shot. A great moment in time.
The 1980's
The Zappa Quilt
The Zappa quilt had two distinct outcomes in my work. On the one hand, I thought I wanted fame and when I had even a taste of it I did not like the bitterness there and I stepped away, changed my direction and my art went more or less underground. On the other hand, this remains my greatest work if measured in the level of connection to human life that it engendered.
Collage Self Portrait
Having lived in Colorado then New York and back again in Colorado, having faced life when it felt like a desert, this collage hints at the strength I had regained both in the image of myself in the mirror and with the mix of the butterflies with the phoenix tattoos.
- Prismacolor image collage
- 76 x 56 cm
Just Plain Country Folk
This family had lost their 16 year old son just prior to my meeting them. They raised great Danes and I interacted with them over the few years after that tragedy. I learned that, while life and death are held differently in the minds of farm families, the death of a child still completely disrupted their lives.
- Prismacolor image collage
- 76 x 56 cm
Dogs and Others Sculptures for Two women show @Core New Art Space Denver Colorado
During this show I used collaged photographs, printed on paper cardboard cutouts and drawn over to bring the visual elements in the two dimensional work out in the room to involve the viewer. The piece on the wall to the right was a collage of smaller drawings I had done of parts of the US as I travelled for my work in sales.
- Lifesize collage installation
- gallery installation , dog sculptures were 92 cm tall
Sculpture of Salesman for Core New Art Show
This is one of the salesmen I worked for during that phase in my life. The best thing about that work was the travel and on the wall to the right you will see more small drawings, collaged together, this time of a different part of the country.
- Lifesize collage installation
- gallery installation , dog sculptures were 92 cm tall
Travel Sculpture "Help At the Curb" for Core New Art Show
At the time regular travel was just becoming part of my life and therefore had a mystic about it. This was another tall, collaged and drawn image set out in the gallery to engage the viewers. Looking at the image with the eyes of 2022 I wish the man helping at the curb had been white and the traveler a black business man, then it would have been futuristic as well.
- Lifesize collage installation
- gallery installation, the tallest man was 1.5m tall
Family Diversity Sculptures for Core New Art Show
The shorter man in front is Ron Blanchett who introduced me to the wonders and hardships of gay culture at the time. My relationship with Ron is untainted with anything but joyful memories. He was a delight. One of the great gifts we can have in life is true love at the end of our lives. Chevy (standing behind Ron) was that for him.
- Lifesize collage installation
- gallery installation , the tallest man was 2m tall
Family Diversity Sculptures for Core New Art Show
The heterosexual couple are my niece and her now ex husband, while the older man in the gay couple was my dear friend Ron Blanchett who died of aids within a year or so of this show. Of course diversity in couples has expanded so much since then.
- Lifesize collage installation
- gallery installation , the tallest man was 2m tall
Family Diversity Wall -Sculptures for Core New Art Show
This is how I put the full wall together, juxtaposing hetero and homo sexual couples – imagine now having only two choices as the norm and only one of them truly “acceptable.”
- Lifesize collage installation
- gallery installation , the tallest man was 2m tall
Two women show @Core New Art Space Denver Colorado
This shot is interesting because it show that there is very little visual difference between the “pure” drawing and the two collage drawings on each side. The same can be said of my digital collage and oil paintings today.
- Drawing and early collages on wall
- gallery installation
Self Portrait wall @Core New Art Space Denver Colorado
Two ideas on this wall. The balloons that I hold represent ideas and memories tht I learned to let go of through a meditation where they just float up into the sky. The Carnival shots represented to me the juxtaposition in life of the seemingly playful with the harder truth of life working a carnival.
- Drawing and early collages on wall
- gallery installation
The 1990's

Self Portrait of Wholeness
This self portrait was done as a test of whether I could move the scrapbook collage techniques I had been learning closer to fine art. The main photo, which I call rugged integrity was taken by one of our nephews as we explored a beach in California. With a not to Tibetan design I incorporate emotional, mental , physical and mental attributes in the four corners.
- Scrapbook techniques, digital print on paper and drawing
- 81.5 x 94 cm